Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Electric Paint Spraying Pt2

I've been a bit slow updating this, as the other week I had a second attempt with the electric paint sprayer.

Right, now where was I?

Ahhh, yes, primer P!ssing down the panel, thats right!

With it all dry and hardened, this is how it looked.

And this is how bad it had run in places.

Now as I mentioned before, this was not an exercise to get a perfect panel, merely a chance for me to test out the gun and see that the colour was going to work with the interior (in laymans terms, to make sure SWMBO was happy).  Still, there was no way I was going to lay the top coat over that primer, and so I rubbed it back a bit to give an improved surface and take out the harshest of the runs.

With that done I mixed up the top coat, and this time added 30% thinners.  Seeing it in the pot I was a little fearful 30% might have been too much.  Still, I whacked a coat on the panel and noticed that two coverings were needed to get complete coverage, but that two coverings resulted in some small runs.

There is a chance that I can turn up the adjustment dial on the spray to give proper coverage over one pass, or failing that using just 20% thinners should be a step in the right direction. 

This is how the panel turned out.

Here it is outside in daylight.

Thankfully the colour is good, and so tomorrow I can get out and purchase the 5 litres.  I was so keen to get this sorted cos as things stand I haven't paid for any of the materials, and I don't like having things like this over my head.

I'm going to keep playing with it and see where it gets me.  Really I could do with a panel larger than a tailgate ... so I'm probably gonna have a play against the side of the bus if we ever get suitable conditions. I'd like to try with 20% thinners and then see if I can find a position on the dial that delivers the spray I'm searching for.

If I make a break through, you'll hear it here first!

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